Understanding Your Hair Type: A Comprehensive Guide

hair type

Understanding your hair type is crucial for correct styling and care because it is a distinctive and attractive aspect of your identity. There are many different hair kinds, from silky and straight to coily and tightly curled. Knowing your hair type enables you to select the proper products, adopt suitable styling methods, and appreciate the inherent beauty of your locks. I’ll walk you through the process of identifying hair types in this blog post. Let’s start now!

1. The Hair Classification System: 

The Andre Walker Hair Typing System is a classification system that is frequently used to help people comprehend the variety of hair types. According to this approach, there are four primary categories for hair: straight (Type 1), wavy (Type 2), curly (Type 3), and coily/kinky (Type 4). There are further subcategories for each kind, identified by numbers and letters, to take into consideration differences within the larger group.

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Image Source: Andre Walker Hair

2. Determining Your Hair Type: 

To determine your hair type, you must look at a number of aspects of your hair, including its texture, porosity, and curl pattern. Here are some important things to think about:

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Image Source: stylishbelles

a. Curl Pattern: Your hair strands’ shape and structure are shown by their curl pattern. Type 1 is the most straight and Type 4 is the most tightly curled. There are letter-designated subgroups within each class (for example, 2A and 3B).

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Image Source: odele

b. Hair texture: The thickness or diameter of each individual hair strand is referred to as texture. It may be coarse, medium, or fine. Coarse hair may need more moisture but is more durable than fine hair, which tends to be brittle and prone to breakage.

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Image Source: fhiheat

c. Porosity: The capacity of hair to absorb and hold moisture is referred to as porosity. High porosity hair has a more open cuticle, which makes it more prone to frizz and moisture loss, whereas low porosity hair has a firmly packed cuticle layer and tends to resist moisture.

Image Source: cliphairlimited

3. Different Hair Types: 

Let’s examine each hair type in further detail and emphasise its distinctive features:

a. Hair Type 1: Straight
The lack of curl or wave in type 1 usually makes it appear smooth and shiny. Three subtypes are further divided into it: 1A (fine and thin), 1B (medium-textured), and 1C (coarse and thick).

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Image Source: shutterstock

b. Hair Type 2: Wavy
The distinctive S-shaped waves of type 2 come in a variety of sizes, from loose (2A) to more defined (2B) to even tighter (2C). With each subtype, the degree of curliness rises, and it is generally more prone to frizz.

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Image Source: freepik

c. Hair Type 3: Curly
Well-defined, springy curls that vary in size identify Type 3. From loose curls (3A) to spiral-shaped curls (3B) to tightly coiled curls (3C), there are various variations. Type 3 can be prone to frizz and frequently needs moisture.

Image Source: shutterstock

d. Hair Type 4: Coily/Kinky The most coarsely textured is type 4, which often has tightly packed coils or zigzag patterns. The subtypes 4A (tight S-shaped coils), 4B (z-shaped coils), and 4C (tightly coiled or zigzag pattern) are further divisions. Because type 4 is typically fragile, it needs to be handled carefully and moisturised.

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Image Source: shutterstock

Knowing your hair type is an essential first step to maintaining strong, vibrant, and attractive hair. You may embrace the inherent beauty of your hair and realise its full potential by being familiar with the distinctive traits that are exclusive to your hair type. Keep in mind that every hair type is attractive in its own unique manner, so embrace your uniqueness and rock your tresses with swagger!

By Eyram Attipoe