Ghana’s Push for Solar Energy to Achieve Renewable Goals

Ghana's Push for Solar Energy

Ghana, like many African nations, grapples with rising temperatures and erratic rain patterns that severely impact its agriculture. Ghana’s push for solar energy is in a bid to curb carbon emissions. To also combat climate change, the government has set an ambitious target of achieving 10 percent renewable energy in its power mix by 2030. As part of this green initiative, the Bui Power Authority, a government agency, is making substantial progress by constructing a solar farm worth $480 million, projected to generate an impressive 250 kilowatts of clean energy.

The National Initiative

President Nana Akufo-Addo has also taken concrete steps towards sustainable energy adoption, inaugurating a 13-kilowatt solar power project in Kaleo, located in the Upper West Region of Ghana.

The commitment to solar energy is evident as both public and private sectors invest heavily in this endeavor. The Eusbett Hotel in Sunyani, the capital of the Bono Region, is a prime example. By integrating solar energy into their corporate strategy, the hotel is significantly reducing its carbon footprint. Opting for a 200-kilowatt solar system enables the hotel to operate primarily on solar energy throughout the day.

Private Contributions

Pax Garments, an entity affiliated with Sunyani’s Catholic church, has similarly embraced solar energy. The company’s CEO, Father Peter Yaw Oppong-Kumi, emphasized the cost-effectiveness and environmental friendliness of solar power. Their 50-kilowatt solar installation has substantially cut electricity costs and emissions, signaling a positive contribution to combating climate change.

Ghana's Push for Solar Energy
Pax Garments, which makes clothing for the Catholic church in Sunyani, is investing in solar energy. © Michael Sarpong Mfum

The financial sector, too, is actively participating in Ghana’s push for solar energy and also clean energy transition. Absa Bank Ghana’s $24 million corporate green loan has proven instrumental in advancing the nation’s efforts to diversify its energy sources. The bank’s focus on clean energy and climate change mitigation reflects a growing commitment to sustainability.

Measures Being Put in Place

Ghana has taken an innovative leap by commissioning a 5-megawatt floating solar plant on the Bui hydroelectric dam reservoir, a first in West Africa. This pioneering project is further expected to expand to a capacity of 65 megawatts in the coming years.

Samuel Gyamfi, a representative from the University of Energy and Natural Resources in Sunyani, affirmed that Ghana is on the right track to meet its renewable energy goals. With robust policies and governmental support, the nation aims to achieve its target of 10 percent renewable energy penetration by 2030.

Ghana’s determination to harness solar energy not only bolsters its energy resilience but also sets an inspiring example for other nations seeking to transition to more sustainable power sources.
